What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

Thank you SERVPRO! Their very fast response time to help with a sewer backup I had within 1 hour of my call they had a crew already working and cleaning. My husband and I were amazed with not only the time, but the top-quality work performed. The  supervisor and the management team made sure that our home was not only cleaned but restored. The work was amazing.

SERVPRO not only did an excellent job performing after hour emergency service but also help me with resources and repair at my medical office. The after-hour's staff were very polite and helpful to clean water damaged that had happen from many broken pipes due to the cold weather. The office staff and field team worked with my insurance and my family to make sure we were never without help and direction. Doing fantastic work on clean up as well as fixing all the damage. I strongly recommend SERVPRO!

Great job by the SERVPRO crew! Everything turned out as promised and on time.  Highly recommended!

I would recommend SERVPRO of Oak Lawn after we had water damage in 3 lower units they provided very fast response time and did excellent job communication between our office staff and their office and field time.  The work performed with clean up and repair was top quality. 

This company is great to deal with.  The technician Jon came out, did a thorough assessment and quoted a price.  Karen in the office scheduled the work for us and they began work the next day.  The crew was prompt, courteous and respectful of what we were going through.  Would definitely recommend them.  

SERVPRO was fantastic.  They worked with my schedule and completed the process quickly.